Boa Viagem

Informativo digital do mundo do turismo


Passeios em Punta Cana, na República Dominicana

 Os barcos esperando para levar os turistas para a ilha Saona

 Na lancha as instruções dos guias

 Um banho nas piscinas naturais a caminho da Ilha Saona

 Olha a turma pronta com salva vidas.

 E no paraiso da Ilha Saona, um lugar lindo. Leve bem protetor solar..

 As belas vistas antes de chegar a Ilha Saona

 No retorno a Punta Cana, a bordo com muita música e dança

 Assistindo o espetáculo das dançarinas de Punta Cana

 Belas vistas

Preparando para ir ao Dolphin Island Park

Prestando atenção !

 Vendo o Barceló Bávaro beach resort

 Piscinas naturais do Dolphin Island Park

 A turma animada com snorkel apreciando tubarão e uma raia

 Apareceu o golfinho..

 Os golfinhos são simpáticos, bem meigos . Dançam, cantam…! e tudo sob os olhares dos instrutores

 Com snorkel para ver o tubarão e a raia

 Um beijo do golfinho

 Os Leões marinhos são um show a parte

Se você tirou férias e escolheu Punta Cana, na República Dominicana, fez muito bem. Além das grandes cadeias hoteleiras com variados resorts all inclusive, você deve reservar uns dias para passeios inesquecíveis e para todas as idades.

Reserve um dia inteiro para visitar a Ilha de Saona. Você vai de ônibus ou van até o local de embarque numa lancha até a ilha que leva em média 40 minutos e no caminho banho nas piscinas naturais apreciando estrelas do mar para muitas fotos, além da água límpida e transparente com tons azuis degradées, algo fantástico e deslumbrante. O passeio inclui o transfer de ida e volta, o almoço na ilha e bebidas nacionais ..Lá aprecie , curta a praia, a temperatura e aproveite para visitar as lojinhas de artesanato da região, com shorts, vestidinhos, chapéus, cangas, souvenirs, e muitas lembrancinhas lindas.  E na volta curta numa lancha com uma turma e tomando uns drinks de run Barceló,bebida típica da região.O passeio custa em média US$90 e se escolher no cardápio lagosta, o preço sobe um pouco mais.

Outro passeio imperdível é o passeio no Island Dolphin park, onde cada passeio custa por pessoa US$155. Um espaço do mar próximo a praia, foi reservado uma área para este parque com golfinhos, leões marinho e até tubarão e raia. Vale a pena conferir e chegar pertinho dos golfinhos, animais carinhosos e acompanhado pelos instrutores. Também podemos com snorkel ver um tubarão passando por baixo de nossas pernas e uma raia.. Que tal, vale a pena experimentar e guardar momento inesquecíveis da vida e levar de recordação fotos e filmagem deste passeio.

Para reservas e detalhes dos passeios, procure a Vacaciones Barceló :

Dolphin Island US$155.00
Enjoy the incredible experience to Swim with Dolphins one of the most intelligent Marine mammals with in a free-floating enclosure just
off the shore, where you have the opportunity of touching them or even a kiss. This is not an excursion, is an experience that you have to
13:30 Transfer from hotel to embarkation point. Navigation to the platform.
Arrival to the platform, brief informational session about the activity and safety rules.
Start of the activity with Dolphins.
Swim with sharks and rays
Time to select the photographs of the activity (additional charge).
End of the excursion at the platform. Boat boarding and return to the beach
17:00 Return to the hotel
Optional: photos, DVD of the tour.
Not allowed to take photos with personal cameras during the activity.

DISCO IMAGINE  US$40.00 / US$60.00- UMA discoteca dentro de uma caverna..
Visits the most famous and spectacular discotheque at Bavaro, located in the depth of a cave and where you will be able to enjoy several atmospheres
dedicated to leisure time. Beach by day, IMAGINE…by night.
23:40 Departure from the hotel
23:55 Arrival and reception
00:00 Start of unforgettable experiences. The actual fashion music performed by resident DJ
03:45 Get ready to leave
04:00 Departure to the hotel
Maximum: 1200
OPEN BAR (US$60.00): Open bar 1 night (national drinks) plus FREE ADMISSION AND TRANSPORTATION the rest of the week
BASIC (US$40.00): includes admission, transportation y 2 drinks for 1 NIGHT.
Possibility of Private Area and theme.
*** Closed on Mondays

Altos de Chavón US$40.00
Beautiful half day excursion where you will be able to visit “la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia”, the cathedral built to honor the Dominican
Republic’s virgin. This is a chance to take a look at the lifestyle in a Dominican little city as Higuey. The tour will give you the opportunity to visit and walk
through the city of artists, Altos de Chavon a Mediterranean village replica of the XVI century with its Arts school, restaurants, church and a great
amphitheatre, home of the most important events of the national and international celebrities.
Duration: 6 hours
14:00 Departure to Altos de Chavón. Throughout the trip the tour guide will provide information about the area.
15:30 Arrival to Altos the Chavón. Information about the city of the artists.
Free time for shopping and pictures
17:00 Departure to Higuey
17:45 Visit to la “Basílica de La Altagracia”
Free time for shopping
19:00 Departure to the hotel
19:45 Arrival to the hotel.
Includes: Air conditioned transportation, tour guides, water on the bus.
Maximum Capacity: No limits
Optional: Pictures or DVD of the tour.

Saona Island US$90.00
The unique experience to navigate in speedboats by the Caribbean Sea and enjoy the transparent waters of the Natural Swimming Pool.
On board a Catamaran and the rhythm of merengue and vitamina will end a full day for the lovers of sail, sea and nature.
Duration: 9 hrs.
09:00 Departure to Altos de Chavon by bus
10:00 Arrival to Bayahibe beach, boarding on speed boats
10:10 Departure to Natural Swimming Pool
10:40 Arrival to Natural Swimming Pool. 40 minutes
11:20 Departure to the Island.
11:30 Arrival to the Saona Island. Free time to swim and enjoy.
13:00 Lunch (Buffet, basic Dominican food)
14:45 Catamaran boarding, departure form the island. Sail for 1½ hour
16:30 Arrival to Bayahibe beach, bus boarding.
16:50 Departure from Bayahibe
18:00 Arrival to the hotel
Note: The program can change, Catamaran in the morning and speed boats in the afternoon.
Include: Bus transfers A/C, taxes, entrances fees, certified tour guides, lunch and drinks (not on the bus)
Maximum: 500 pax.

Segway US$79.00
The one and only 100% eco-friendly excursion in Bavaro, on board of our Segways, ideal for the whole family. We will pass through one of the most
exclusive residential areas of Bavaro and we will cross one of the 100 best golf courses of the area: La Cana. We will make a break within the ecological
reserve Ojos Indigenes.
Cueva Fun Fun US$145.00
We’ll take you to the Stone Age; a descent of 20 meters by rope is the thrilling start of this adventure into the “Fun Fun” Cavern. Marvel at this
spectacular exhibition of stalactites, stalagmites, and cave art, all accompanied by the unique whisper of the underground rivers. This breathtaking
journey includes an astonishing horseback ride and across the humid forests of the Haitises National Park and biological reserve.
Deep Sea Fishing US$110.00 (US$75.00 Watchers)
In the richer fishing zone of the country, Join us and catch the real big fish!!! A day of Relax and Sun.
Helicopter Tour from US$89.00
10, 15, 20, 30 y 40 minutes.
Discover this beautiful region by air!!!. Fly over the beautiful surrounding areas of lush tropical vegetation, golf courses and an endless chain of hotel
resorts along this fabulous coastline. This memorable experience is worthy of being told to your grandchildren. Sightseeing beyond your imagination!!
Horseback Riding
1 hour US$50.00 / 2 hours US$70.00
Dream come true for horseback riding lovers. A ride through the beautiful Bávaro coast awaits you; come and join it.

* Esta jornalista, bloqueira viajou a convite do Ministério do Turismo da República Dominicana e Gol linhas aéreas para um press trip a República Dominicana, Santo Domingo e Punta Cana no periodo de 07 a 12 de abril deste ano,com apoio da Assist- Card .Agradecimentos ao Dolphin Island Park e sua equipe pelo atendimento a todos e a Vacaciones Barceló.

Boa Viagem